
"啟新高爾夫杯" 象甲联賽第11轮將於7月19日在各个主场分别进行,各队的对阵形势如下:

(主队) (客队)

上海 对 廈門

黑龙江 对 重慶

河北 对 浙江

江苏 对 開灤

大连 对 廣東

湖北 对 北京

Qixin Cup Xiangqi League round 11th

The Xiangqi League round 11th will be played on 19th of July, with the following pairings :

Home versus Away

Shanghai '' Xiamen

Heilongjiang '' Chongqing

Hebei '' Zhejiang

Jiangsu '' Coalmine

Dalian '' Guangdong

Hubei '' Beijing


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