Today we are posting the following game, that of Xu Yinchuan (Guangdong) versus Zhang Jiang (Hebei), played on Wednesday the 5th of July 2006, in round 9th of the Qixin League. Red won the game.
And here is a short commentary by the author of Checkmate In Two.
We see the first two moves as a Central Cannon (中炮)versus Knight on the same side Opening.
2. 兵三进一(P3+1)
This move is not often seen in high level play. Red usually plays 2. N2+3,for quick development.
Red is adopting the Flying Cannon (飞炮)variation of attack.
Blocking the further advance of Black's Knight.
Very quickly the four Rooks have all gone. In game without Rooks, the Pawns are more than ever vital.
If 14. ... B5+7, Red can play 15. C3+3 with check and followed by 16. C3-4 capturing both Bishops.
15. 炮五平四(C5=4)
This is the Grandmaster's mysterious move ! Anyone who knows the rules can make such a move, but the crunch is when is it the right time to make that move? Here Xu's clear intention is to link both Bishops, protect the left-hand Knight from a surprise enemy attack.
The safety of the 4th file Pawn is duely protected.
Restricting the freedom of the advancing Knight.
Planning to advance the 3rd file Pawn by stationing a piece at the position of the Elephant Eye.
The Knight started the damaging operation within Black's defensive area.
Now Red is one Pawn ahead.
This is desperation. But what else?
And here is a short commentary by the author of Checkmate In Two.
1. 炮二平五(C2=5) 马8进7(N8+7)
We see the first two moves as a Central Cannon (中炮)versus Knight on the same side Opening.
2. 兵三进一(P3+1)
This move is not often seen in high level play. Red usually plays 2. N2+3,for quick development.
2. ... 车9平8(R9=8) 3. 马二进三(N2+3) 炮8平9(C8=9)
4. 马八进七(N8+7) 卒3进1(P3+1) 5. 炮八进四(C8+4)
Red is adopting the Flying Cannon (飞炮)variation of attack.
5. ... 马2进3(N2+3) 6. 炮八平七(C8=7)
Blocking the further advance of Black's Knight.
6. ... 车1平2(R1=2) 7. 车九平八(R9=8) 象3进5(B3+5)
8. 车八进四(R8+4) 车8进4(R8+4) 9. 车一平二(R1=2) 车8进5(R8+5)
10. 马三退二(N3-2) 炮2平1(C2=1) 11. 车八进五(R8+5) 马3退2(N3-2)
Very quickly the four Rooks have all gone. In game without Rooks, the Pawns are more than ever vital.
12. 炮七平三(C7=3) 马2进3(N2+3) 13. 马二进三(N2+3) 马3进4(N3+4)
14. 兵三进一(P3+1) 炮9退1(C9-1)
If 14. ... B5+7, Red can play 15. C3+3 with check and followed by 16. C3-4 capturing both Bishops.
15. 炮五平四(C5=4)
This is the Grandmaster's mysterious move ! Anyone who knows the rules can make such a move, but the crunch is when is it the right time to make that move? Here Xu's clear intention is to link both Bishops, protect the left-hand Knight from a surprise enemy attack.
15. ... 炮9平3(C9=3) 16. 相七进五(B7+5) 卒1进1(P1+1)
17. 兵三平四(P3=4) 士6进5(G6+5) 18. 炮四进一(C4+1) 炮1平2(C1=2)
19. 士六进五(G6+5) 炮3进1(C3+1) 20. 兵一进一(P1+1) 炮2进2(C2+2)
21. 马三进二(N3+2) 炮2进1(C2+1) 22. 马二退一(N2-1) 炮2退1(C2-1)
23. 马一进三(N1+3)
The safety of the 4th file Pawn is duely protected.
23. ... 马4进6(N4+6) 24. 兵五进一(P5+1)
Restricting the freedom of the advancing Knight.
24. ... 炮3进4(C3+4) 25. 炮四退二(C4-2) 炮3平4(C3=4)
Planning to advance the 3rd file Pawn by stationing a piece at the position of the Elephant Eye.
26. 士五进四(G5+4) 马6进8(N6+8) 27. 马七进六(N7+6) 炮2退2(C2-2)
28. 马六进七(N6+7)
The Knight started the damaging operation within Black's defensive area.
28. ... 炮4退2(C4-2) 29. 兵四进一(P4+1) 炮4进2(C4+2)
30. 马七退九(N7-9)
Now Red is one Pawn ahead.
30. ... 炮2平3(C2=3) 31. 士四进五(G4+5) 马8退7(N8-7)
32. 马九进八(N9+8) 卒3进1(P3+1) 33. 马八进九(N8+9) 卒3进1(P3+1)
34. 马九退七(N9-7) 炮4退5(C4-5) 35. 炮三平二(C3=2) 卒3平4(P3=4)
36. 兵四平三(P4=3) 后马退9(rN-9) 37. 炮二进二(C2+2) 士5退6(G5-6)
38. 马三进四(N3+4) 将5进1(K5+1)
This is desperation. But what else?
39. 马四进六(N4+6) 将5退1(K5-1) 40. 兵一进一(P1+1) 卒9进1(P9+1)
41. 炮四平一(C4=1) 马7进9(N7+9) 42. 炮一进四(C1+4) 前马退7(fN-7)
43. 兵五进一(P5+1) (1-0)