We translated "路边歌" into English as "Song of the Roadside".
[转载] 路 边 歌
* 叫 花 子 *
Source: Zhongguo Xiangqi Dashi Website
南边刮来一阵风 wind blowing from the south
卷我篮里两颗葱 displaced two onions in basket
拾葱俯腰背如弓 i bend my back to pick them up
一个小卒卧葱中 found a little Pawn among green
拾卒借问弈者谁 where are people playing Xiangqi?
两个老翁坐如钟 two old men sitting upright
童颜鹤发目如炬 they looked young with bright eyes
棋子滑落浑不惊 no falling pieces can disturb them
趋前定目把局看 i approached them and watched
中局扭杀对决中 in the midst of a middle game
藤绕树来树扭藤 locked into one another in struggle
盘根错节把枝生 with diverted attacks and defences
炮于卒底藏玄秘 Cannon behind the Pawn with secrets
马跃河头露狰容 Horse in the River in full strength
车横九宫如虎踞 Rook crossed the Palaces in bold steps
士扬犄角护昆仲 Guard building cornerstone of defence
观者如堵言欲沸 spectators crowded but kept silence
二翁心平地自宁 two old men are calm and all peaceful
一翁车奔石迸裂 one's Rook rushed out shook the ground
一翁马纵刀枪鸣 the other's Knight swung the sword
老骥雄心孰可比 they are brave and courageous unmatched
廉颇子才与黄忠 like ancient Lian Po and Huang Zhong
大浪淘沙光阴迫 the best will come but time is short
街灯旖旎和局成 street light is soft and game is drawn
厮杀一日终有果 a day of battle produced the result
二翁含笑共推枰 two old men smiled and folded chessboard
投机阔论家常事 chatted very friendly about usual things
趋步并肩意兴浓 they walked together in good spirit
夕照华美壮颜色 sunset casting beautiful colours around
步履从容增雅情 in leisurely steps and nothing worry
桃花源里无魏晋 all sisters and brothers in taohua garden
卧牛城中有是翁 woniu city will find such wise elderly
国昌民裕春色好 prosperity brings happiness and good time
燕赵大地尽尧风 everywhere life is as good as golden era
Source: Zhongguo Xiangqi Dashi Website