Yesterday I mentioned Liao Yi as the author of the translated piece of poem, but in fact when I checked again, I found that it was by Bai Ben !
So here is the repeat with correction :
(昨天我们提到廖毅是作者, 但后来发现是我们弄糊涂了! 现照书改正) :
小 令
(正宫) 鹦 鹉 曲
* 白 贲 *
--采自隋树森编 "全元散曲"--
So here is the repeat with correction :
(昨天我们提到廖毅是作者, 但后来发现是我们弄糊涂了! 现照书改正) :
小 令
(正宫) 鹦 鹉 曲
* 白 贲 *
侬家鹦鹉洲边住 i live near yingwuzhou
是个不识字渔父 an illiterate fisherman
浪花中一叶扁舟 waves among a canoe
睡煞江南烟雨 sleepy in rain and fog
(么) 觉来时满眼青山 awaken when all green
抖擞绿蓑归去 to home in good shape
算从前错怨天公 no more lamenting
甚也有安排我处 i found the peace
--采自隋树森编 "全元散曲"--