满 江 红

满 江 红

* 段克己 *

欲把长绳 lend me long rope
维白日 to attach the day
暂留春住 so the youth stays
亲友面 familial faces
一回相见 sometimes see
一回非旧 sometimes not same
扰扰胶胶尘世事 worry worldly things
不如人意十常九 most unhappy
向斜阳 sun setting
无语倚危楼 silently gazing
空搔首 emptiness
活国手 active grandmasters
谈天口 chat hosts
都付与 all going for
尊中酒 bottles of wine
这情怀又是 the same feeling
去年时候 like last year
风外纷纷飞絮乱 flowers scattered
柳边湛湛长江去 stream flowing
问老来 ask the old folk
还有几多愁 how much sadness left
愁如许 so much of these


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