
A land of poetry, and a poetry with Xiangqi (or Weiqi)

詩的国土, 诗中有棋.

小 令

(双调) 雁儿落过得胜令

* 庾天锡

韩侯一将坛 lord hanhou a command post
诸葛三分汉 zhuge with han of three parts
功名纸半张 high place worth half of paper
富贵十年限 riches no more than ten years
行路古来难 hard is the way since antiquity
古道近长安 the old route's near changan
紧把心猿系 tighten the wandering mind
牢将意马拴 hold on any wild idea
尘寰 the whole universe
倒大无忧患 nothing is really worrying
狼山 oh langshan mountain
白云相伴闲 white cloud accompanying

荒荒时务艰 current situation's difficult
急急光阴换 time goes in quicken steps
一局棋未终 xiangqi game not yet finish
腰斧柯先烂 wood axe already broken
百岁霎光间 hundred years in a flash
莫惜此时闲 enjoy the little leisure now
三两知心友 with a few good friends
鲸杯且吸乾 drink the huge cup dry
休弹 stop the music
玉人齐声叹 the beauties are all sighing
狼山 oh langshan mountain
兴亡一笑间 the rise and fall in a smile


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