
瑞 鹤 仙

* 李俊明 *

人生为郡乐 life for do good
推拯俗仁怀 in community
济时英略 help and provide
和风散莲幕 friendly to all
把功名一事 for high office
暂宜高阁 forget it now
兴来自酌 when happy
要酒浇 oh drink
胸次磊落 with broad mind
比月中玉兔 the moon's fairy
别有长生 long living
安心是药 peace mind's the cure
休错 no mistake
早还识破 know this soon
一梦南柯 all's a dream
宦情渐薄 bureau's hopeless
北山素约 remember promise
试回首 of old days
千岩万壑 mountain valley
况竹林当日 the bamboo grove
七贤游处 of seven sages
物外骖鸾驾鹤 blissful days
在烂柯局畔樵人 some angel is watching
看君下著 as you play xiangqi


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