Chess music poetry

The poet Xu Youren (1287~1364) wrote the following lines, we translated the words 风月 as chess music poetry. (literally 风 means wind, 月 means moon)

太 常 引

* 许有壬*

小斋潇洒颇宜贫 tiny studio in bare essential
清有竹 just a few bamboo
静无尘 quiet and clean
俗子不敲门 no worldly visitor
只风月 chess music poetry
烟霞是邻 scenery my neighbours

古瓶清雅 old vase elegant
寒梅疏瘦 some hanmei flowers
昨雨忽纷纷 last night it rained
尚有一支春 one remained
快报与 hasten and
南厅主人 tell my friend


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