
The Chinese Xiangqi League of first division opened the season on Tuesday 22nd of May 2007, this year new rules put forward by Grandmaster Hu Ronghua were adopted. What it means is basically players with Red pieces started with 80 minutes in their clocks, playing times for players with Black pieces varied as a result of "bidding" (calling the prices).

In case of a draw, player with Black pieces is declared winner. Both players can bid for the right to play Black pieces.

A game from round one :

Tao Hanming

Bo Fengbo

Red resigned.

"七斗星杯" 象甲联赛
2007年5月22日 (第一轮)

红方:卜凤波 (大连益春堂)
黑方:陶汉明 (黑龙江大庆市红岗)


1. 炮二平五 马2进3 2. 马二进三 马8进7
3. 车一平二 车9平8 4. 兵七进一 卒7进1
5. 车二进六 炮8平9 6. 车二平三 炮9退1
7. 炮八平六 车1平2 8. 马八进七 炮2平1
9. 兵五进一 炮9平7 10. 车三平四 炮7平5
11. 炮六退一 车8进6 12. 车九进一 车2进6
13. 马三进五 车8平7 14. 炮六平五 卒7进1
15. 车九平六 马7进8 16. 车四退一 马8进6
17. 前炮平二 炮5平8 18. 车六进五 车7进3
19. 兵五进一 炮1进4 20. 马五退四 炮1平9
21. 兵五进一 士4进5 22. 兵五进一 象3进5
23. 车六平四 马3进5 24. 前车平五 炮9进3
25. 炮五进二 车2进2 26. 士六进五 马6进7


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