"明湖杯" 青少年棋赛
The 1st of June is known as "Children Day" in China, and in Jinan City, Xiangqi tournaments will be organized for children on 2nd and 3rd of June 2007, four separate competitons are scheduled according to ability (pre-school children included) !
Last year more than 130 children participated in the "Ming Hu Cup" tournaments.
象棋通讯: 6月2日至3日, 由生活日报与济南市象棋协会主办的 "明湖杯" 青少年象棋比赛将在风景秀丽的大明湖举行,在 "六一" 儿童节期间的这个传统赛事, 已是小棋手们期盼的日子。