
A celebrity tournament was held the other day in the City of Hangzhou, and attracting 10 teams with 50 players. 5 rounds of games were played during one day.

Wang Shuichao won the individual top prize, with Pujiang winning the team title.

杭州市名人象棋赛日前顺利举行, 有力推动象棋普及活动。参赛棋队总共有10队, 50人参与这项斗智斗勇而友好的赛事。   

这项赛事在一天内进行五轮比赛, 经过激烈角逐,个人冠军是王水潮、亚军谢庆泉、季军滕关夫。团体冠军是浦江、亚军萧山、季军海宁、第四到第六名是临安、余杭、园文局棋队。

象棋赛赛出了风格, 得到群众好评. 在享受下棋快乐的同时, 也达到举办棋赛以棋会友目的.


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