
Grandmaster Liu Dahua broke the world record on 2nd of May 2007 in Shunde in a simultaneous display against 139 players, winning 83 games, drawing 47 and losing 9.

He started at 9 o'clock in the morning and finished all games around 6 o'clock in the evening, with 30 minutes for a break in mid-day.

For this new world record, he had made 3 months of preparation, physically and mentally.

象棋通讯: 特级大师柳大华五月二日在顺德大良钟楼公园进行1对139人车轮比赛,成功破世界纪录。 柳大华的成绩是83局胜,47局和,9局负。

比赛于上午九时开始,到晚上六时左右结束,中午休息半小时。参赛棋手年纪从6岁到78岁。 柳大华高度重视这次比赛,他在三个月前就准备,早上跑步炼身体, 他觉得是对自己棋艺、体力、意志的一次挑战。


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