Quickplay in Macao

The Macao Xiangqi Association is organizing a quickplay tournament starting on 8th and finishing on 11th of May, with the aim of finding in the shortest time possible one or two good players to strengthen their team, to prepare for the 10th World Xiangqi Championships which will be held this year in Macao.

Quickplay tournament has never been tried before. 20 players are competing.

澳門象棋總會主辦, 森利集團贊助 "森利杯" 快棋賽, 定於8日至11日一連四晚在象棋總會會址舉行, 為2007年第10屆世界象棋錦標賽選拔澳門棋手, 20名棋手角逐桂冠. "森利杯" 採瑞士制, 用時每人20分鐘, 走一著加三秒.

參赛棋手 :

1. 鄺錦輝
2. 杜光偉
3. 黃百佳
4. 李亨鴻
5. 鄒京華
6. 鄭柏榮
7. 李錦歡
8. 黃冠倫
9. 梁少文
10. 梁偉洪
11. 陳茂春
12. 李少和
13. 賴英傑
14. 陳釗榮
15. 羅景新
16. 黃惠明
17. 陳鴻志
18. 黃啟明
19. 陳圖炯
20. 黃適眧


Anonymous said…
I'm looking for informations about the oganization of this world Championship. How to participate ? What about non chinese / vietnamese players.
Please send informations to : luescoffier@wanadoo.fr
youhao said…
tks a lot, and for players in France they need to get in touch with their Xiangqi Association to proceed. Rgds

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