
After two rounds of the "Xiang Jia" (Xiangqi 1st Division) League held in Shanghai on 22-23 May 2007, the 12 participating teams have positioned themselves as follows, with Xiamen leading the list with 4 points. The League will finish the season on 19th of December 2007.

象甲联赛两轮过后, 厦门队以4分独领风骚 :

1. 厦门港务控股 (Xiamen) 4
2. 河南 (Henan) 3
3. 上海金外滩 (Shanghai) 3
4. 大连益春堂 (Dalian) 3
5. 浙江球冠 (Zhejiang) 2
6. 开滦煤矿股份 (Kailuan) 2
7. 广东东莞长安 (Guangdong) 2
8. 甘肃中国通信移动 (Gansu) 1
9. 北京中加 (Beijing) 1
10. 黑龙江大庆市红岗 (Heilongjing) 1
11. 江苏金陵人集团 (Jiangsu) 1
12. 河北金环钢构 (Hebei) 1


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