
中国象棋被称为 "艺海明珠",既能娱乐益智,又可锻炼思维,为社会各阶层人士喜见乐闻。


1. 英国中文学校联会一年一度学生与教师象棋比赛,将于六月二日 (星期六) 在伦敦 South Kensington 维多利亚与阿尔拔博物馆大讲堂举行。

2. 为庆祝香港回归十周年,英国华人社团联合总会暨各界华人华侨将于六月间举办 "香港杯" 乒乓球及象棋比赛。与英国象棋协会合办的中国象棋公开赛,定于六月二十四日 (星期日) 下午二时到八时假伦敦唐人街 42-44 Gerrard Street London 新龙凤大酒楼举行。电邮报名可联络 kamtongpang@hotmail.com 或laiqi2@gmail.com。

3. "智力运动奥林匹克" Mind Sports Olympiad 的中国象棋比赛,分为快棋及慢棋两个项目,准备于八月十七日 (星期五) 到十八日 (星期六) 在伦敦北部的 Potters Bar 举行。详情可浏览智力运动网站。

4. 九月上旬将举办全英象棋锦标赛,日期定为九月八日 (星期六),棋赛由德国棋友热心赞助。

5. 澳门象棋总会受世界象棋联合会委托,将于今年十月十六日 (星期二) 到二十三日 (星期二) 举办第十届世界象棋锦标赛,比赛地点澳门塔石体育馆。英国象棋协会将派多名棋手参与这一棋坛盛会。

Xiangqi tournaments in the coming weeks and months :

1. Annual competition organized by UK Federation of Chinese Schools, Saturday 2nd June at Victoria and Albert Museum.

2. "Hong Kong Cup" co-organized by the Federation of Chinese Associations in UK and the UK Chinese Chess Association, 24th June at New Loon Fung Restaurant, London's Chinatown.

3. Mind Sports Olympiad's Xiangqi tournaments 17-18 August at Potters Bar in North London, further details on their website.

4. The UK Championship will be held in September, the date is tentatively set for Saturday 8th of September.

5. The Macau Xiangqi Association organizes the 10th World Xiangqi Championships 16-23 of October 2007, the venue is at Ta Shi Stadium, Macau. UK players will have the rare opportunity to compete.


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