整个下午就是不断的战斗, 面对五个不同的高手 ! 这就是全英象棋锦标赛的一个惊心动魄的镜头! 所以, 要一登冠军宝座, 很多人都感觉到是难度很大的挑战.
A whole afternoon of Xiangqi, playing five games almost non-stop at highly competitive level, a direct confrontation of life itself, that is the description of the UK Championship. Many a seasoned players have felt that to become a champion, it is an almost impossible challenge !
Here is a photo finish of an ending game. That was in round three
Red: Guo Shulong
Black: Chen Fazuo
Draw agreed.
红棋: 郭淑珑
黑棋: 陈发佐
A whole afternoon of Xiangqi, playing five games almost non-stop at highly competitive level, a direct confrontation of life itself, that is the description of the UK Championship. Many a seasoned players have felt that to become a champion, it is an almost impossible challenge !
Here is a photo finish of an ending game. That was in round three
Red: Guo Shulong
Black: Chen Fazuo
Draw agreed.
红棋: 郭淑珑
黑棋: 陈发佐
1. 炮八平五 车2进1 2. 车四进六 车2平3
3. 相五进七 车5平7 4. 相七进五 车7平9
5. 车四平三 车3平6 6. 车三进一 车6退3
7. 车七平六 车6平5 8. 车六平五 马5进7