据来自中国象棋协会消息:2006年 “启新高尔夫杯” 象甲联赛第20轮今天在各主场举行,广东队和上海队本轮各自取得1分,分别以30分和27分领先.
After round 20th of the Qixin Cup Xiangqi League contested today, Guangdong is leading with 30 points, followed by Shanghai with 27 points.
Hebei and Hubei are destined to be relegated next year.
There are only two more rounds to be played, scheduled at end of the year.
We hope to post a few of today's games soon.
After round 20th of the Qixin Cup Xiangqi League contested today, Guangdong is leading with 30 points, followed by Shanghai with 27 points.
Hebei and Hubei are destined to be relegated next year.
There are only two more rounds to be played, scheduled at end of the year.
We hope to post a few of today's games soon.