Victories All The Way Game 5

We have posted on Saturday 30th of September 2006 our Game No.4.

Today we continue our series.

Victories All The Way
(Game No.5)

自字 信手炮(共五局)


1. 炮八平五 炮2平5 2. 马八进七 马2进3
3. 车九进一 车1平2 4. 车九平四 士6进5
5. 车四进七 马8进9 6. 兵三进一 车2进4
7. 马二进三 炮8平6 8. 马三进二 卒7进1
9. 兵三进一 车2平7 10. 相三进一 卒3进1
11. 士四进五 车7进2 12. 马二进四 车7平8
13. 马四进六 炮5平4 14. 炮五进四 象3进5
15. 炮二平五 马9进7 16. 前炮平四 马7退6
17. 炮五进五 将5平6 18. 炮五平七

Game No.5

1. C8=5 C2=5
2. N8+7 N2+3
3. R9+1 R1=2
4. R9=4 G6+5
5. R4+7 N8+9
6. P3+1 R2+4
7. N2+3 C8=6

Notes & Interpretations

Black plays the River Bank Rook variation, which is a safer line as compared to the previous four games of Cross River Rook variation.

8. N3+2 P7+1
9. P3+1 R2=7
10. B3+1 P3+1
11. G4+5 R7+2
12. N2+4 R7=8
13. N4+6

Notes & Interpretations

An intrepid Knight attacking in solo, aiming to go for 14. N6+7, with a "Horse in the stable" checkmate. Here it transpired that in the opening phase of the game, Black's 4. ... G6+5 is inferior to 4. ... G4+5, as this allows Black's King to avoid the direct threat from Red's Rook.

13. ... C5=4
14. C5+4 B3+5
15. C2=5 N9+7
16. fC=4 N7-6

If 16. ... N7+6, then 17. C5+5 G5-6, 18. C5-3, Red wins.

17. C5+5 K5=6
18. C5=7 Red wins


In the above five games (posted on various occasions), after the 4th move, when Black centralized the left hand Guard, Red's Vertical Rook (横车) moved forward and took up the strategical position of the 'Elephant Eye', since then, Black's Rook and Knight in the left flank had lost their usual dynamism, at the same time, the central defence was weak. Playing 6. ... R2+4, with the Rook patrolling the River is the correct move, which allows Black to attempt for equalization.

Views & Impressions

We are allowed to witness another interesting attacking plan by Red, who boldly sacrifices the forward Rook ! In the final analysis, Black's King has become a virtual prisoner, immobilized on his throne. During the middle (game) manouevre, the advance of the Knight is especially delightful to follow.


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