11th Mind Sports Olympiad

第11届奥林匹亚智力运动会将于本月17日到27日举行, 比赛地点列下 (英文)。

中国象棋示范及比赛则将在17日 (星期五) 到19日 (星期日) 进行, 欢迎参加,时间还赶得及的。

进一步的网页浏览: www.msoworld.com。

祝你好运 !

The 11th Mind Sports Olympiad is being held on 17th to 27th of August 2007, this non-smoking event is open to all, venue at Potters Bar United Reformed Church, Darkes Lane, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire.

For Xiangqi (Chinese Chess) enthusiasts, there will be a Teaching Workshop (no fee) on Friday 17th (3.00pm to 5.30pm), a 15 minutes x 5 rounds quickplay (7.30pm to 10.30pm), and an Olympiad Championship on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th. We can ask the organizers to waive the penalty fees for late entries for the Xiangqi competitions !

For general information and last minute updates readers can visit www.msoworld.com.

Good luck !


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