World Championship in Macau

The Ta Shi Stadium in Macau where the 10th World Xiangqi Championship is going to be held in October, was originally purpose-built for the 4th North Asia Games of 2005.

The Stadium's construction was completed at the end of 2003, the whole project costing a total of around 12 hundred million Macau yuan. It is suitable for all weather games and sports activities with modern facilities.

第10届世界象棋锦标赛10月份将在澳门特区举行,比赛场地设于塔石体育馆。 从互联网上我们了解到,塔石体育馆是2005年澳门举办第4届东亚运动会的比赛场馆之一。


体育馆工程造价约1·22亿元澳币,占地5千5百多平方米,总建筑面积2万8千多平方米,而特区政府在工程建设总投资达12亿元澳币。 比赛场馆可容纳4千多名观众,现代化电子系统,适合举办羽、篮、排、乒乓、体操、武术、柔道、舞蹈、极限运动等项目的比赛。


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