How pieces function (part I)

Today we shall talk about the pieces of King, Guard, Bishop and Pawn and give some simple illustrations, based on a book edited by Mr. Cheng Dazhan, published in 1988, Taipei.

The King has great potential power. Look at diagrams 1 and 2.

Diagram 1

Red won! (by stalemate)

Diagram 2

Any move by Black will result in the loss of a Guard!

When moving the Guard to avoid an attack, it is generally preferable to : 1. move away from the same side of Cannon, 2. move towards the same side of Rook, 3. move towards a corner (角) to avoid the Knight's attack.

In diagram 3, the Guard is in active attack mode:

Diagram 3


Diagram 4

Black will run out of moves.

It is said that by losing a Rook, a Knight or a Cannon, one's position is weaken, but when losing a Bishop, one's position is in danger. A Bishop is useful in blocking a Knight. When one of the Bishops is missing, it is advisable to retain a Knight to compliment one's defence. Look at diagram 5.

Diagram 5

Drawing the game, showing the close relationship between Bishop and Knight.

Not leaving the Cannon behind, here is an example of a close relationship between Cannon and Bishop

Diagram 6

Pawns are numerous as compared to other pieces, when advancing, they should be well supported. They should not be rushed too early towards the bottom of the board.

Diagram 7

The capture of the Bishop is inevitable.

In this example, the Rook takes control and the opponent's Bishop cannot move at will. Had the Pawn made the first move it will be a different story.

Diagram 8

The Pawn will move forward in a measured manner, after effective control by the Rook.


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